Adult and juvenile mink (3 per sex per group) were fed diets supplemented with zinc as zinc sulfate at 0, 500, 1000 or 1500 mg/kg for 144 days. Because zinc is ubiquitous, it is unlikely, except in some terrestrial regions, particularly agricultural regions where zinc concentrations are very low or where antagonistic nutrient interactions occur, that deficiency in the environment will be a significant issue. Fischer PWF, Giroux A, & L’Abbe MR (1983) Effects of zinc on mucosal copper binding and on the kinetics of copper absorption. Am J Clin Nutr, 52(1): 135–141. Se comprobó que la exposición después del coito de ratas a concentraciones de zinc de 4000 mg/kg en los alimentos interfería con la implantación del óvulo. Marshall JS, Parker JI, Mellinger DL, & Lei C (1983) Bioaccumulation and effects of cadmium and zinc in a Lake Michigan plankton community. The condition was stated to be consistent with copper deficiency; it spread over much of the body within a few weeks and persisted for several weeks after the kits were removed from the supplemented diets (Bleavins et al., 1983). Shaw (1990) noted that the development of metal tolerance in plants is among the best observed examples of evolution related to natural and anthropogenic stress. Zinc hazards to fish, wildlife, and invertebrates: a synoptic review. Pediatr Emergency Care, 10(1): 54–58. Oikos, 25: 370–373. Bartoshuk LM (1978) The psychophysics of taste. In: Mertz W ed. London, Springer, pp 335–350. Prasad AS (1985) Essential trace elements in human health in disease. Exp Pathol, 41(4): 215–217. Am J Clin Nutr, 32: 799–803. Am J Clin Nutr, 29: 1114–1121. Soil Sci Soc Am Proc, 39: 454–458. S Presented by H. H. BARTLETT COLLECTION ON THE PHILIPPINES NOc Page [unnumbered] \1 -r n ~r.~; '* '' Page [unnumbered] 1) Page [unnumbered] / v K..... 2.JS^^tq. Le zinc a une faible toxicité aiguë pour les rongeurs, la valeur de la DL50 allant de 30 à 600 mg/kg de poids corporel, en fonction de la nature du sel de zinc administré. (1980) fed ferrets (M. putorius furo) on a basal diet (zinc content 27 mg/kg) with zinc supplements of 500, 1500 or 3000 mg/kg for up to 6 months. For nonfasting morning, and for afternoon samples, lower cut-off points of < 9.95 µmol/litre (< 65 µg/dlitre) and < 9.18 µmol/litre (< 60 µg/dlitre), respectively, have been recommended. Amundsen CE, Hanssen JE, Semb A, & Steinnes E (1992) Long-range atmospheric transport of trace elements to Southern Norway. A significantly reduced absorption of zinc in humans and laboratory animals was observed after oral uptake of phytate (from grain and vegetable components) owing to the formation of insoluble zinc-phytate-complexes in the upper gastrointestinal tract (O’Dell & Savage, 1960; Oberleas et al., 1962; Reinhold et al., 1973, 1976; Davies & Nightingale, 1975; Solomons et al., 1979; Loennerdal et al., 1984; Turnland et al., 1984; Sandstroem et al., 1987; Ferguson et al., 1989; Ruz et al., 1991; Sandstroem & Sandberg, 1992). Ann Occup Hyg, 59: 45–54. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med, 144: 680–682. Gadde RR & Laitinen HA (1974) Studies of heavy metal adsorption by hydrous iron and manganese oxides. Mol Biol, 214: 765–779. In the marine bivalve Macoma balthica in the Westerschelde Estuary (Netherlands), zinc concentrations of 377–692 mg/kg dw were recorded; concentrations were higher in winter and lower in summer (Bordin et al., 1992). Falchuk KH (1988) Zinc deficiency and the E. gracilis chromatin. J Mar Freshwater Res, 27: 187–196. (1984) determined the fate of zinc in soil amended annually for 6 years with sewage sludges, one of which contained industrial waste. The basal diet contained zinc at 20.2 µg/g and copper at 3.1 µg/g. Zinc is important in enzymes, in the metabolism of proteins and nucleic acids, and in the stabilization of biological membranes. J Environ Qual, 13: 175–183. Intakes via dermal and inhalation routes are generally insignificant in the general population. Arch Hydrobiol, 112(2): 299-316. Major food group sources of zinc (> 10% of daily intake) were identified as meat, mixed dishes and ready-to-eat cereals. Gordon T, Chen LC, Fine JM, Schlesinger RB, Su WY, Kimmel TA, & Amdur MO (1992) Pulmonary effects of inhaled zinc oxide in human subjects, guinea pigs, rats, and rabbits. Chem Mutagenesis, 6: 149–173. Data that meet the selection criteria are presented in Table 41 for freshwater invertebrates and in Table 42 for freshwater fish. Sileo L & Beyer WN (1985) Heavy metals in white-tailed deer living near a zinc smelter in Pennsylvania. Slavin W (1984) Graphite Furnace AAS. Water 51 - March/April 1990 (in Dutch). The zinc finger motif first characterized in TFIIIA has subsequently been identified in the cDNA sequences of numerous transcription factors, although in only a few instances has the presence of zinc been confirmed analytically (Vallee & Auld, 1990a). Shuman LM (1975) The effect of soil properties on zinc adsorption by soils. Among terrestrial invertebrates, earthworms (Eisenia andrei) and woodlice (Porcellio scaber) show adverse effects on reproduction starting at total zinc concentrations of 560 and 1600 mg/kg dw, respectively. Slight anaemia was found after 30 days but by day 45 extreme anaemia was observed in most of the exposed birds. B   melhor que cosida. Evidence for the essentiality of zinc for the maturation of brain was provided by studies in rats (Hurley & Swenerton, 1966; Warkany & Petering, 1972), which demonstrated a variety of malformations in the brains of offspring that had been deprived of zinc early in gestation. It has been postulated (Hill & Matrone, 1970) that elements with similar properties will act antagonistically to each other biologically, as a result of their competition for binding sites on proteins that require metals as cofactors. Wong (1993) studied the effect of zinc on the longevity and reproduction of the cladoceran Moina macrocopa reared in aquarium water with a zinc content of less than 1 µg/litre. Lynch SM & Klevay LM (1992) Effects of a dietary copper deficiency on plasma coagulation factor activities in male and female mice. In contrast, other studies have produced negative findings, for example, after intraperitoneal injection of mice (zinc chloride at 15 mg/kg body weight; Vilkina et al., 1978), or have suggested that the induction of aberrations is contingent upon concomitant calcium deficiency. Hodgson JF, Lindsay WL, & Trierweiler JF (1966) Micronutrient cation complexing in soil solution: II. McKenna IM, Chaney RL, Tao SH, Leach RM, & Williams FM (1992) Interactions of plant zinc and plant species on the bioavailability of plant cadmium to Japanese quail fed lettuce and spinach. New York, Alan R Liss, pp 3–53. None of the ferrets given zinc at 500 mg/kg in the diet developed clinical signs. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr, 15: 289–296. J Am Coll Nutr, 8(5): 400–406. Walravens PA, Chakar A, Mokni R, Denise J, & Lemonnier D (1992) Zinc supplements in breastfed infants. The experiment was interrupted because of fear of adverse cardiac effects. Brit J Nutr, 68: 515–527. Am J Clin Nutr, 41: 285–292. A similarly inadequate procedure is followed in many experiments with animals in which zinc added to the feed is only adsorbed, whereas in the natural situation it is processed by the organism and incorporated into organic compounds. Clin Chem, 19(11): 1288–1292. Brummerstedt E, Basse A, Flagstad T, & Andersen E (1977) Lethal trait A46 in cattle. Mutat Res, 223: 267–272. Provisional dietary requirements for zinc in relation to estimates of retention, losses and availabilitya, Intake necessary (mg) in daily diet for available zinc content of. The efficacy of this technique has been shown in controlled repletion trials in children (Sandstead et al., 1998). A critical review. Spiders fed on woodlice from an area contaminated with heavy metals consumed 42.4% of the total zinc in the woodlice. In the marine environment, dissolved zinc concentrations of 100 µg/litre have been shown to have adverse effects. Scholl TO, Hediger ML, Schall JI, Fischer RL, & Khoo CS (1993) Low zinc intake during pregnancy: Its association with preterm and very preterm delivery. Juergensen H & Behne D (1977) Variations in trace element concentrations in human blood serum in the normal state investigated by instrumental neutron activation analysis. La ingesta farmacológica de zinc se ha asociado con efectos que van desde la leucopenia y/o la anemia microcítica hipocrómica hasta la disminución de la concentración de lipoproteínas de alta densidad en el suero. For example, the zinc content of spinach is reduced by about 20% during freezing and thawing (Kampe, 1986); during the milling of wheat flour, up to 80% of zinc is removed. The uptake of zinc was calculated to be 4–10 mg per week. El zinc no se bioamplifica. However, liver copper levels were significantly lower only in the newborns of mothers fed 0.5% zinc. Significant atresia in the ovary and damage to younger oocytes was found in female fish. In: Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Conference on Trace Substances and Environmental Health, pp 263–280. Schenker MB, Speizer FE, & Taylor JO (1981) Acute upper respiratory symptoms resulting from exposure to zinc chloride aerosol. Nutr Rev, 41(7): 197–208. Two genetic disorders, acrodermatitis enteropathica and sickle-cell disease, are associated with suboptimal zinc status. Mathys W (1977) The role of malate, oxalate, and mustard oil glucosides in the evolution of zinc-resistance in herbage plants. However, species introduced by humans into the environment may show these deficiencies. There were no differences in the results obtained with the different zinc treatments. Curr Sci, 55(7): 337–340. Cincinnati, OH, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA/540/1-86/048) (Fiche). J Nutr, 108: 881–887. Los suelos ácidos y los arenosos con un contenido orgánico bajo tienen menos capacidad de absorción. New York, John Wiley & Sons Inc, pp 2332–2342. Bradley RW & Sprague JB (1985) The influence of pH, water hardness, and alkalinity on the acute lethality of zinc to rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri). Addition of soil additives such as lime (calcite), zeolite, hydroxyapatite, vermiculite, bentonite, beringite (a modified clay) and other clay minerals, and other products, such as selective cation exchangers (e.g., polystyrene resins), steel shots, Thomas basic slags and hydrous manganese oxide, can reduce the mobility of zinc and uptake of plants cultivated in a contaminated soil (Van Assche & Jansen, 1978; Kiekens, 1986; Vangronsveld et al., 1990, 1995a,b; Vangronsveld & Clijsters, 1992; Mench et al., 1994). Water Res, 23(7): 907–911. In some but not all of these cases of suboptimal zinc status, hair zinc concentrations have increased in response to zinc supplementation. "Bioavailability" is the term used to refer to the proportion of the external dose of a compound (in this case zinc) that is actually absorbed by living organisms. The plants were harvested after 45 days. (1989) The Merck Index. Nevertheless, in persons with severe zinc deficiency, serum/plasma zinc concentrations are usually low (Arakawa et al., 1976; Hess et al., 1977; Prasad et al., 1978a; Gordon et al., 1982; Baer & King, 1984). Fish were exposed for approximately 100 days and significant adverse effects were found at 0.06 mg/litre for under yearlings, 0.16 mg/litre for yearlings and 0.2 mg/litre for adults. Zinc deficiency appears to be a major contributing factor in this syndrome. Table 23. In an experimental study (Henkin et al., 1975b) in which severe, acute zinc deficiency was induced in eight patients with scleroderma by treatment with large doses of oral histidine, severe zincuria was produced, and plasma zinc levels decreased from 60–105 µg/dl to 40–60 µg/dl. Gibson RS (1980) Hair as a biopsy material for the assessment of trace element status in infancy. Br J Nutr, 24: 1061–1069. Sandler M & Jordaan HF (1989) Cutaneous reaction to zinc – a rare complication of insulin treatment. The mean annual wet deposition of zinc in the Netherlands was determined to be 1.2 µg/cm2 in 1992 (CCRX, 1994). Clinical application of recent advances in zinc metabolism. Brown MA, Thom JV, Otth GL, Cova P, & Juarez J (1964) Food poisoning involving zinc contamination. Metallothionein and a low-molecular-mass zinc-binding protein, cysteine-rich intestinal protein (CRIP), which was isolated from intestinal mucosa of rats, play an important role in the gastrointestinal absorption of zinc. The proportion of soil zinc that was bioavailable to plants was reported to be independent of the zinc application. Persons with adequate nutritional levels of zinc absorb approximately 20–30% of all ingested zinc, while greater proportions of dietary zinc are absorbed in zinc-deficient subjects if presented in a bioavailable form. Examination of the amino acid sequence of Xenopus TFIIIA revealed a repeated structural domain, termed the "zinc finger", which has been postulated to bind zinc and interact with DNA. Sandstead HH, Dintzis FR, Bogyo T, Milne DA, Jacob RA, & Klevay LM (1990) Dietary factors that can impair calcium and zinc nutriture of the elderly. Nature, 328: 640–643. Carpenter JM & Ray JH (1969) The effect of zinc chloride on the production of mutations in Drosophila melanogaster. Iron absorption and distribution is altered by zinc deficiency. No stillborn or malformed fetuses were observed in zinc-treated animals in either study (Pal & Pal, 1987). Science, 252: 809–817. Hypertensive patients on long-term therapy with chlorothiazide may therefore be vulnerable to zinc deficiency (Prasad, 1983). In a study described in section, in which women were supplemented with zinc at 50 mg/day for 10 weeks, competitive interactions between iron and zinc were suggested by the authors (Yadrick et al., 1989). Trans Am Fish Soc, 108: 76–87. Deknudt GH & Leonard A (1975) Cytogenetic investigations on leucocytes of workers from a cadmium plant. The proportion of zinc derived from anthropogenic sources remains uncertain (see section 3.2). Br Med J, 289: 273–276. The highest measured concentrations of welding fumes were 5.1 and 8.0 mg/m3 for an 8-h time-weighted average. Biomethylation of zinc has not been observed. (1994) measured the disappearance of zinc from blood after an injection of isotope in women with normal (> 20 µg/litre) and low (< 20 µg/litre) levels of ferritin. New Phytol, 80: 23–32. J Agric Food Chem, 10(3): 174–178. Bullfrogs (Rana catesbeiana) caught downstream from the source of mine tailings had markedly higher zinc levels in most tissues (Niethammer et al., 1985). Human subjects with a constant zinc intake of 14.5 mg/day and calcium intakes of 200–2000 mg/day showed no changes in zinc absorption (Spencer et al., 1983). Straube EF & Walden NB (1981) Zinc poisoning in ferrets (Mustella putoris furo). Biol Trace Elem Res, 6: 263–279. Haight M, Mudry T, & Pasternak J (1982) Toxicity of seven heavy metals on Panagrellus silusiae: the efficacy of the free-living nematode as an in vivo toxicological bioassay. Falahi-Ardakani et al. Am J Clin Nutr, 42: 683- 687. J Crustac Biol, 10(2): 225–235. 127). A Source Book. Am J Clin Nutr, 26: 1060–1068. Some studies have examined microbial or abiotic transformations of zinc compounds which can result in a change in zinc speciation (Touvinen, 1988). Increases in plasma zinc (approximately 20%) and decreases in ESOD (approximately 20%) were observed in the zinc-supplemented group, the differences becoming statistically significantly (P < 0.05) in week 6 of the study. Falahi-Ardakani A, Gouin FR, Bouwkamp JC, & Chaney RL (1987) Growth response and mineral uptake of vegetable transplants growing in composted sewage sludge amended medium. No adverse effects on food consumption, body weight gains, haematological parameters, fur quality or survival were observed. The adequacy of the zinc intakes can then be evaluated by comparison with an appropriate set of tables of recommended nutrient intakes for the population group under study. In humans, a mean reabsorption of 70% of the administered dose (45 mg of zinc as zinc sulfate) was demonstrated by Nève et al. Catalog, rate, tag, and review your music. Chez l'Homme, les effets d'une carence en zinc sont nombreux et se traduisent notamment par les anomalies suivantes: troubles neurosensoriels, oligospermie, altération des fonctions neuropsychologiques, retard de croissance, allongement de la durée de cicatrisation, troubles de l'immunité et dermatite. Certaines plantes accumulent le zinc, mais dans une proportion qui dépend de la nature du sol et des caractéristiques de la plante. Bone zinc was not included in these calculations, because zinc in bone is relatively sequestered from the metabolically active pool of body zinc. Duinker JC & Nolting RF (1982) Dissolved copper, zinc and cadmium in the southern bight of the North sea. The curve describing this concept of acceptable intake is shown in Chapter 10 (Fig. Acta Hydrochim Hydrobiol, 14: 83–102. J Environ Qual, 22: 335–348. Table 32. OSPARCOM (1994) Draft description of best available techniques for the primary production of non-ferrous metals (zinc, copper, lead and nickel works). Life Sci, 52: 1617–1620. Zinc toxicity is first expressed in reduced root growth, a parameter that is used routinely in testing zinc-resistance in plants (Antonovics et al., 1971; Wainwright & Woolhouse, 1977; Schat et al., 1996). Levels of 10- 300 ng/m3 are given for background concentrations and up to 1000 ng/m3 for urban industrial areas. Adv Exp Med Biol, 249: 3–12. In: Allan RJ & Nriagu JO eds. Bogden KS, Holding KJ, Denny TN, Guaino MA, Krieger LM, & Holland BK (1988) Zinc and immunocompetence in elderly people: effects on zinc supplementation for 3 months. No indication of dietary intake of zinc or copper was noted in this study. Plant Physiol, 103: 1305–1309. Alvarez C, Garcia JE, & Lopez MA (1989) Exocrine pancreas in rabbits fed a copper-deficient diet: Structural and functional studies. J Phycol, 17: 108–111. Mar Environ Res, 24: 135–139. Essential and toxic trace metals in human health and disease. (1985) exposed earthworms (Eisenia fetida) to zinc in contact and artificial soil toxicity tests. Laboratory animals, 15(1): 45–47. At zinc concentrations of 0.1, 0.5 and 2.0 mg/litre, the development rate of eggs was faster than controls but at 6 mg/litre the rate was slower. Acute toxicity of zinc is often determined in short-term experiments of 24–96 h (Table 36). Sewage sludge applied to arable land in Ohio, USA was found to contain zinc at a concentration of 866 mg/kg dw (Levine et al., 1989). Proc Nat Acad Sci USA, 68(6): 1312–1315. Marzin DR & Vo PH (1985) Study of the mutagenicity of metal derivatives with Salmonella typhimurium TA102. Singh BR & Låg J (1976) Uptake of trace elements by barley in zinc-polluted soils: 1. In a study in which adolescent females received dietary copper at a rate of 1.2 mg/day, faecal copper excretion was increased by approximately 14% (0.9 compared to 0.79 mg/day) in subjects receiving zinc at 14.7 mg/day compared with those fed 11.5 mg/day during 10-day periods (Greger et al., 1978c), with all subjects in positive copper balance. Wainwright SJ & Woolhouse HW (1977) Some physiological aspects of copper and zinc tolerance in Agrostis tenuis Sibh. Conner MM, Flood WH, Rogers AE, & Amdur MO (1988) Lung injury in guinea pigs caused by multiple exposures to ultrafine zinc oxide: changes in pulmonary lavage fluid. Estuary Coast Shelf Sci, 21: 669–686. USA, Ohio, soil treated with sewage sludge for 10 years. (Letter). In vitro assays in pancreatic preparations from rats fed a zinc-deficient diet showed a marked impairment of the insulin response to glucose , which was directly proportional to the degree of zinc deficiency (Huber & Gershoff, 1973; Jhala & Baly, 1991). Eisler R & Hennekey RJ (1977) Acute toxicities of Cd2+, Cr+6, Hg2+, Ni2+ and Zn2+ to estuarine macrofauna. Sohn D, Heo M, & Kang C (1989) Particle size distribution of heavy metals in the urban air of Seoul, Korea. A comparatively recent development in the study of zinc metabolism has been the elucidation of the potential role of zinc in many protein transcription factors. The concentration of zinc in plasma was greatly increased in the 750 mg dose group only. Clin Exp Dermatol, 14(3): 227–229. Dewar et al. Di Paolo JA & Casto BC (1979) Quantitative studies of in vitro morphological transformation of Syrian hamster cells by inorganic metal salts. Lykken GI, Mahalko J, Johnson PE, Miline D, Sandstead HH, Garcia WJ, Dintzis FR, & Inglett GE (1986) Effect of browned and unbrowned corn products intrinsically labelled with zinc on absorption of zinc in humans. Vangronsveld J, Van Assche F, & Clijsters H (1995a) Reclamation of a bare industrial area contaminated by nonferrous metals – in-situ metal immobilization and revegetation. I   Toutefois, dans une autre étude portant également sur des rats, on n'a pas observé d'effets délétères sur le foetus en développement à la dose de 500 mg/kg. Fisher NS & Jones GJ (1981) Heavy metals and marine phytoplankton: correlation of toxicity and sulfhydryl-binding. Cancer Res, 27: 1115–1121. The Hague, Van der Gang. Beyer WN & Cromartie EJ (1987) A survey of Pb, Cu, Zn, Cd, Cr, As, and Se in earthworms and soil from diverse sites. Within the organism the metal can be compartmented in various ways, either being moved to sites of demand (sinks) or partly bio-activated by storage in vacuoles in plants or, in the case of animals, excreted. Klevay LM (1975) Coronary heart disease: The zinc/copper hypothesis. Laboratory experiments are often carried out without equilibrium between the added zinc and the soil, which is a critical drawback in short-term experiments (< 3 weeks). Harmens H, Den Hartog PR, Ten Bookum WM, & Verkleij JAC (1993b) Increased zinc tolerance in Silene vulgaris (Moench) Garcke is not due to increased production of phytochelatins. Winner RW & Gauss JD (1986) Relationship between chronic toxicity and bioaccumulation of copper, cadmium and zinc as affected by water hardness and humic acid. Se ha notificado asma ocupacional en personas que trabajan con fundentes para soldadura blanda, pero las pruebas no fueron suficientes para indicar una relación causal. Reiter R & Poetzl K (1985) [Development of aerosol particles with very small diameter during metallurgical high temperature processes.] New Phytol, 124(1): 25–60. Yadrick MK, Kenney MA, & Winterfeld EA (1989) Iron, copper and zinc status: response to supplementation with zinc or zinc and iron in adult females. Hove E, Elvehjem CA, & Hart EB (1938) Further studies on zinc deficiency in rats. La deficiencia de zinc en los animales se caracteriza por una reducción del crecimiento y de la replicación celular, efectos reproductivos adversos y efectos adversos en el desarrollo, que persisten tras el destete, así como una disminución de la respuesta inmunitaria. In estuarine waters, anthropogenic inputs result in seafood concentrations with typical values of 1–15 µg/litre (Van den Berg et al., 1987). Reece RL, Dickson DB, & Burrowes PJ (1986) Zinc toxicity (new wire disease) in aviary birds. 11–18 years old studied for 5.5 months randomized trial; zinc at 14 mg (30) or placebo (30); capsules given at school, no weight or height effects; no difference in sexual maturation; no effect on serum alkaline phosphatase, 60 growth-retarded schoolboys, The occurrence of hypochromic, macrocytic anaemia in rats following the ingestion of excessive zinc and the reversal of this anaemia by iron supplementation demonstrate the interaction between iron and zinc (Cox & Harris, 1960; Magee & Matrone, 1960). In: Nriagu JO ed. A causative relationship with zinc could not be concluded. Pour la recherche et le dosage des diverses espèces chimiques présentes dans l'eau (ou spéciation), il faut mettre en oeuvre l'une ou l'autre des techniques de séparation indiquées plus haut ou recourir à la différenciation des espèces labiles que permet la voltamétrie par redissolution anodique. Arch Hydrobiol, 116(4): 449- 469. Mammals can also die from ingestion of zinc. Baer MT & King JC (1984) Tissue zinc levels and zinc excretion during experimental zinc depletion in young men. White & Rainbow (1985) calculated theoretical estimates for the minimum metabolic requirements of zinc in molluscs and crustaceans. Ruz M, Cavan KR, Bettger WJ, & Gibson RS (1992) Erythrocytes, erythrocyte membranes, neutrophils and platelets as biopsy materials for the assessment of zinc status in humans. Measurements of alkaline phosphatase activity in neutrophils (Prasad, 1983, 1985), leukocytes (Baer et al., 1985; Schilirò et al., 1987), erythrocytes (Samman et al., 1996) and red cell membranes (Ruz et al., 1992) have also been investigated as indices of body zinc status in humans. Does my bird need gravel or grit? Baes et al. Benoit DA & Holcombe GW (1978) Toxic effects of zinc on fathead minnows Pimephales promelas in soft water. US National Academy of Sciences (1979) Zinc. Pour des éléments essentiels comme le zinc, il existe une fourchette de concentration optimale. Mills CF, Quarterman J, Williams RB, Dalgarno AC, & Panic B (1967) The effects of zinc deficiency on pancreatic carboxypeptidase activity and protein digestion and absorption in the rat. Zinc concentrations were highest in the common carp (Cyprinus carpio); maximum zinc concentrations were 168.1 µg/g fw in 1978–1979, 109.2 µg/g fw in 1980–1981 and 118.4 µg/g fw in 1984. Prasad AS, Oberleas D, Wolf P, Horwitz JP, Miller ER, & Luecke RW (1969) Changes in trace elements and enzyme activities in tissues of zinc-deficiency pigs. Anal Chem, 53: 2337–2340. Chester R & Bradshaw GF (1991) Source control on the distribution of particulate trace metals in the North sea atmosphere. They vary in their response to zinc deficiency, depending on the tissues examined, their affinity to zinc, and rate of turnover of the enzyme (Cousins, 1986). Zinc concentrations in igneous and sedimentary rocks were reported to be 48–240 mg/kg for basaltic igneous rock, 5–140 mg/kg for granitic igneous rock, 18–180 mg/kg for shales and clays, 34- 1500 mg/kg for black shales and 2–41 mg/kg for sandstones (Thornton, 1996). In: Winicle M ed. Drainage from active and inactive mining areas may be a significant source of zinc in water. Plants and the chemical elements. (1993) exposed earthworms (E. andrei) to zinc as zinc chloride at concentrations in dry artificial soil of 100–1000 mg/kg. Water Res, 9: 631–636. Metal Ions Biol Med, 4: 522–524. No indication of dietary intake of zinc or copper was noted in this study. No significant mortality or effect of zinc on growth was observed during the experiment. Consumption of dietary supplements of zinc as well as prolonged treatment with pharmaceuticals containing zinc may result in high exposure to zinc. Clin Phys Physiol Meas, 8: 173–178. 20). Mol Biol, 221: 1269–1293. Rosko JJ & Rachlin JW (1975) The effect of copper, zinc, cobalt and manganese on the growth of the marine diatom Nitzschia closterium. La plupart des roches et de nombreux minéraux renferment du zinc. Tacnet F, Watkins DW, & Ripoche P (1990) Studies of zinc transport into brush-border membrane vesicles isolated from pig small intestine. Schlesinger L, Arevalo M, Arredondo S, Lonnerdal B, & Stekel A (1993) Zinc supplementation impairs monocyte function. English muffin),frozen, Mushroom gravy and charbroiled beef patty,frozen, Mushrooms,breaded,frozen (prepared without fat), 1 cup reconstituted, 4 large, or 16 small, Mushroom soup,cream of,canned (made with low-fat or skim milk), Mushroom soup,cream of,canned (made with whole milk), Mushroom soup,cream of,low-fat,canned (made with low-fat or skim milk), 1/2 cup tortilla chips with 1/4 cup cheese sauce, New England clam chowder,canned (made with low-fat or skim milk), New England clam chowder,canned (made with whole milk), New England clam chowder,low-fat,canned (made with low-fat or skim milk), Okra,breaded,frozen (prepared without fat), Onion rings,frozen (prepared without fat), Oyster stew,canned (made with low-fat or skim milk), Oyster stew,canned (made with whole milk), Pancake,any type,homemade,frozen, or made from mix, 2 cups (1 1/2 cups chicken mixture with 1/2 cup sauce), Pasta salad mix,packaged (prepared according to directions), Pasta shells,stuffed with ricotta cheese,without sauce,frozen, Pastrami luncheon meat (made from turkey), 1 scoop (1/2 cup) ice cream with 2 peach halves and raspberry sauce, 2 oz. Proc Soc Water Treat Exam, 22: 41–61. Straube et al. Impaired copper nutriture in humans has been noted following chronic elevated intake of zinc; these effects are reported in section 8.3.5. Am J Clin Nutr, 33(11): 2262–2267. Environ Res, 57: 73–87. New York, Springer-Verlag, pp 421–469. Proc Nutr Soc, 50: 19–28. CCRX (1991) [Measurement of radioactivity in xenobiotic substances in the biological environment in the Netherlands 1990.] There are several reports of zinc deficiency under experimental conditions in protozoa (Falchuk, 1988), algae (Vymazal, 1986), daphnids (Keating & Caffrey, 1989), fish (Spry et al., 1988) and amphibians (Herkovits et al., 1989). The dietary intake of nutrients including copper and zinc were monitored throughout the study. Washington DC, pp 1145–1174. However, in another study, it was shown that the ability of lymphocytes to proliferate and to produce interleukins and mitogenic-stimulated antibody responses was normal in zinc-deficient mice (Cook-Mills & Fraker, 1993). Hall LW, Ziegenfuss MC, Bushong SJ, Unger MA, & Herman RL (1989) Studies of contaminant and water quality effects on striped bass prolarvae and yearlings in the Potomac river and upper Chesapeake Bay in 1988. National sample of women aged 18–60+ years (n = 763). Zinc had no significant effect on either the number or size of offspring released from the current brood or on the number of offspring released from the subsequent brood, incubated under non-stressed conditions. In hard water (hardness > 100 mg/litre, CaCO3), adverse effects have been reported at dissolved zinc concentrations of 90 µg/litre. Settlemire CT & Matrone G (1967b) In vivo interference of zinc with ferritin iron in the rat. IV. Save on everything from food to fuel. J Nutr, 112: 914–919. Mar Environ Res, 39: 131–135. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf, 11: 9–14. Timmermans KR, Spijkerman E, & Tonkes M (1992) Cadmium and zinc uptake by two species of aquatic invertebrate predators from dietary and aquatic sources. Hill CH & Matrone G (1970) Chemical parameters in the study on in vivo and in vitro interactions of transition elements. Nelson DA, Miller JE, & Calabrese A (1988) Effect of heavy metals on bay scallops, surf clams, and blue mussels in acute and long-term exposures. (n = 676) plus, Netherlands Women (National Food Consumption Survey in 1987–1988), New Zealand. Magliette et al. Family dining destination for over 70 years. (1984). Luncheon meat,lean (less than 2g fat per oz), 1 slice or 1 oz. Zinc concentrations in mixed saliva, parotid saliva, salivary sediment and salivary supernatant have all been investigated, but their use as indices of zinc status is equivocal (Greger & Sickles, 1979; Freeland-Graves et al., 1981; Lane et al., 1982; Baer & King, 1984). For example, studies of the metal content of lake sediments in the Arctic have failed to detect any anthropogenic inputs (Gubala et al., 1995). Dinnel PA, Link JM, Stober QJ, Letourneau MW, & Roberts WE (1989) Comparative sensitivity of sea urchin sperm bioassays to metals and pesticides. Algunos signos de toxicidad observados en los animales expuestos a concentraciones elevadas de zinc se pueden atenuar añadiendo cobre o hierro a los alimentos. Alaimo et al. Problem formulation (i.e., hazard identification) consists of identifying and defining the risk problem, assessing the population, community or ecosystem at risk, establishing the model for evaluating the potential for risk, and selecting the biological end-points and environmental media to be analysed. + 40 mg of zinc (20) or placebo (10); capsules given at school, weight and height effects; difference in bone age; tendency for faster sexual development; no effect on serum alkaline phosphatase, 40 growth-retarded, low-zinc-status children, 2–6 years old, studied for 1 year randomized pair-matched trial; zinc at 10 mg/day (20) or placebo (20); syrup given by parents at home, height effect (especially in boys); increase in appetite, 60 growth-retarded boys, For humans, the most important route of exposure to zinc is through the ingestion of food. D'une façon générale, les effets toxiques du zinc sur les végétaux se traduisent par des troubles métaboliques différents de ceux que l'on observe en cas de carence zincique. The amount of zinc extracted increased with increasing rates of added zinc and increasing amounts of added phosphorus. Eur J Clin Nutr, 42(8): 709–714. Biochem Biophysika, 1024: 323- 330. Zinc caused a significant reduction in body length of primiparous animals and longevity at concentrations of > 0.1 mg/litre; however, mean brood sizes of animals reared at 0.2 mg/litre were not significantly different from those of control animals. Hanas JS, Hazuda DJ, Bogenhagen DF, Wu FYH, & Wu CW (1983) Xenopus transcription factor a requires zinc for binding to the 5 S RNA gene. Chemosphere, 21: 339–347. Sandstead HH (1982a) Nutritional role of zinc and effects of deficiency. Foods, A   De fait, certains signes de toxicité observés chez des animaux exposés à de fortes concentrations de zinc peuvent être atténués par l'adjonction de cuivre ou de fer à l'alimentation. Foster DM, Aamodt RL, Henkin RI, & Berman M (1979) Zinc metabolism in humans: a kinetic model. Br J Ind Med, 26: 126–134. Chapman (1978a) studied the chronic toxicity of zinc to sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) in a 22-month adult-to-smolt toxicity test. Brown BT & Rattigan BM (1979) Toxicity of soluble copper and other metal ions to Elodea canadensis. The toxicity of zinc to terrestrial organisms is similarly dependent upon its bioavailability, which in turn is determined by various factors such as the speciation of zinc, and the physicochemical and biological characteristics of the soil. Also referred to as Latin or Spanish Corn Fritters, can be prepared with or without cheese. Aquatic macrophytes are generally insensitive to zinc. The consumption of 54 mg of "organic" zinc in oysters with 100 mg of ferrous iron did not alter plasma uptake of zinc (Solomons & Jacob, 1981). Mar Environ Res, 16: 215–229. It has a creamy texture, nutty flavor and a light yellow color with very small holes. At high concentrations zinc can be cytotoxic. Moreover, in some of these studies, the low hair zinc concentrations have been related to low availability of dietary zinc (MacDonald et al., 1982; Ferguson et al., 1989; Cavan et al., 1993). The level of intestinal metallothionein may be important in the development of this zinc-induced hypocupraemia. In: Friberg L, Nordberg GF, & Vouk VB eds. At 0.15 mg/litre, mortality was 80%, the number of progeny was reduced by more than 50%, and primiparous individuals were significantly smaller and produced significantly fewer eggs. Findings of infertility, thyroid abnormalities, pancreatic changes, coagulation defects and bone pathology in experiments using increasingly high doses of zinc may impair copper utilization. Loennerdal B, Cederblad Å, Davidsson L, & Sandstroem B (1984) The effect of individual components of soy formula and cow’s milk formula on zinc bioavailability. These results suggest that impaired taste acuity can be used as a functional test of suboptimal zinc nutriture in children, in conjunction with a biochemical index of zinc status. This banner text can have markup.. web; books; video; audio; software; images; Toggle navigation White RT (1988) Open reflux vessels for microwave digestion. Aquat Toxicol, 5: 51–66. Freshwater Biol, 7: 377–384. Reish DJ & Carr RS (1978) The effect of heavy metals on the survival, reproduction, development, and life cycles for two species of polychaetous annelids. Maternal body weights, food intake, gestation period and the number of viable young per litter were unaffected by the increased zinc levels in the diet, either at birth or on day 14 of lactation. A significant correlation was found between hepatic zinc and metallothionein levels. Neither the addition of ferrous iron (at an iron:zinc ratio of 25) to a composite meal containing 2.6 mg of zinc (Sandstroem et al., 1985), nor the consumption of turkey meat containing 4 mg of zinc with ferric iron (17 or 34 mg) (Valberg et al., 1984) significantly changed the absorption of zinc. In: Shaw AJ ed. Bourg ACM & Darmendrail D (1992) Effect of dissolved organic matter and pH on the migration of zinc through river bank sediments. In nature these relationships are not necessarily symmetrical. Hambidge KM, Hambidge C, Jacobs M, & Baum JD (1972) Low levels of zinc in hair, anorexia, poor growth, and hypogeusia in children. Eur Respir J, 3(1): 111–114. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med, 83: 625–627. Biological degradation of zinc complexes is necessary for the normal functioning of ecosystems to enable the recycling of zinc from litter, faeces and dead organisms. Golub MS, Gershwin ME, Hurley LS, Hendrickx AG, & Saito WY (1985) Studies of marginal zinc deprivation in rhesus monkeys: infant behavior. Marshall et al. Rotterdam, A.A. Balkema, pp 404–417. J Nutr, 104: 345–378. (1988) studied the effect of zinc on fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas) and South African clawed toad (Xenopus laevis) in embryo-larval assays. Biochem. Fed Proc, 27(1): 199- 204. The non-competitive antagonism of NMDA suggested that the NMDA receptor channel contains a third binding site, in addition to Mg2+ and glycine (Westbrook & Mayer, 1987). Milne DB, Ralston NVC, & Wallwork JC (1985) Zinc content of cellular components of blood: methods for cell separation and analysis evaluated. Arch Ophthalmol, 106: 192–198. Prasad AS & Rabbani P (1981) Nucleoside phosphorylase in zinc deficiency. Prasad AS (1983) Clinical, biochemical and nutritional spectrum of zinc deficiency in human subjects: an update. Hyperzincuria is also present in disorders such as cirrhosis of the liver and diabetes mellitus, after injury, burns and acute starvation, in certain renal diseases and infections, and after treatment with chlorothiazide. Biesinger & Christensen (1972) exposed Daphnia magna to zinc chloride for 3 weeks. Springfield IL, Charles C. Thomas, pp 250–303. Miyaki M, Murata I, Osabe M, & Ohno T (1977) Effect of metal cations on mis-incorporation by E. coli DNA polymerases. Malle K-G (1992) [Zinc in the environment.] En muestras con contaminación de origen antropogénico, se obtienen concentraciones de zinc de hasta 4 mg/litro en el agua, 35 g/kg en el suelo, 15 µg/litro en el agua de estuarios y 8 µg/m3 en el aire. In molluscs, which are known to be good accumulators of trace metals, concentrations may be elevated. Zinc concentrations of > 0.05 mg/litre significantly reduced weight gain between days 20 and 30. Wet and dry deposition, the use of zinc compounds as fertilizers and the application of municipal sludges and manure to cropland are considerable sources of zinc in soils (Chang et al., 1987). So happy to hear that. Luisi BF, Xu WX, Otwinowski Z, Freedman LP, Yamamoto KR, & Sigler PB (1991) Crystallographic analysis of the interaction of glucocorticoid receptor with DNA. Alternatively, chemical analyses of representative samples of staple foods collected from the study area can be performed. Ernst W (1972) Zinc and cadmium emission in the vicinity of a zinc smelter. Med Lavoro, 6: 614-618 (in Italian). Burrito,bean and cheese,reduced-fat,store-bought: 1 (5 1/2 oz.) Jameson S (1976) Effects of zinc deficiency in human reproduction. Miller MP & Hendricks AC (1996) Zinc resistance in Chironomus riparius: evidence for physiological and genetic components. (1971) reviewed metal tolerance in plants and found several examples of plant communities that show high tolerance to zinc. Yokoi K, Alcock NW, & Sandstead HH (1994) Iron and zinc nutriture of premenopausal women: Associations of diet with serum ferritin and plasma zinc disappearance and of serum ferritin with plasma zinc and plasma zinc disappearance. Intentional consumption of large doses of zinc supplements in excess of dietary intake and chronic treatment of patients with drugs containing zinc salts, e.g., injectable insulin, may result in high-level zinc exposure (Bruni et al., 1986). Schwabe JWR, Neuhaus D, & Rhodes D (1990) Solution structure of the DNA-binding domain of the oestrogen receptor. US Public Health Service, pp1–230. Only three of the mallards dosed retained the zinc shot until the end of the study. In: Salomons W ed. Fraker PJ, DePasqual-Jardieu P, Zwick CM, & Luecke RW (1978) Regeneration of T-cell helper function in zinc-deficient adult mice. Newsome DA, Swartz M, Leone NC, Elston RC, & Miller E (1988) Oral zinc in macular degeneration. Information concerning zinc deficiency in aquatic organisms must thus be obtained primarily from laboratory experiments. Spence JW & McHenry JN (1994) Development of regional corrosion maps for galvanised steel by linking the RADM engineering model with an atmospheric corrosion model. Aust J Chem, 29: 1649–1656. Messerle BA, Schaffer A, Vasak M, Kagi JHR, & Vuthrich K (1990) Three-dimensional structure of human [113Cd7]metallothionein-2 in solution determined by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Such tests have greater biological significance than static biochemical tests because they measure the extent of the functional consequences of zinc deficiency. In a study in low-income women, there was a significantly higher prevalence of low birth weight in the infants of mothers in the lowest quartile for plasma zinc at 16 weeks gestation than in those born to the other mothers (Neggers et al., 1990). Evolution, 50(5): 1888-1895. They have a huge head, massive eyes, with their jaws open. L'apport journalier moyen par l'eau de boisson est estimé à moins de 0,2 mg. Les valeurs de référence pour l'apport de zinc d'origine alimentaire varient en fonction des habitudes alimentaires du pays, des hypothèse formulées au sujet de la biodisponibilité du zinc présent dans les aliments et également de l'âge, du sexe et de l'état physiologique des sujets. (1985) have emphasized that the zinc content of leukocytes is a function of the type of separation used; contamination with zinc from the anticoagulant, reagents, the density gradient system or erythrocytes and platelets may occur. Add coupons to your card and apply them to your in-store purchase or online order. Las concentraciones muy altas de zinc son tóxicas para los ratones y los hámsteres en gestación. En faisant appel à des indices physiologiques fonctionnels comme la croissance, le sens du goût et l'adaptation à l'obscurité et en les complétant par une épreuve biochimique (par exemple, le dosage du zinc dans le plasma ou les cheveux) on perçoit mieux les conséquences fonctionnelles de la carence que l'on s'efforce de déterminer. Impact of zinc (mg/kg) on nitrogen mineralization in relation to soil types. Risk is assessed by determination of the adequacy of the margin of safety between effects and exposure concentrations and expert judgement is typically used to determine the acceptability of the perceived margin of safety. Biesinger KE & Christensen GM (1972) Effects of various metals on survival, growth, reproduction, and metabolism of Daphnia magna. Positive correlations between hair zinc concentrations and serum zinc are only observed in chronic, severe zinc deficiency in the absence of confounding factors. Monthly bulletin of the International Lead and Zinc Study Group, La Tribune du Cebedeau,Vol. Neumueller O-A (1983) [Roempp’s chemical dictionary.] The cause of death in these lambs was not determined. Metal-fume fever is common in welders who work on various types of non-ferrous metals or ferrous metals alloyed with or coated with other metals. Ranges reported were: parenchyma, 12.8–89.9 µg/g dry tissue; membrane, 21.4–80.3 µg/g dry tissue; and cord, 13.7- 97.2 µg/g dry tissue (Centeno et al., 1996). All unsere Leidenschaft gilt dem Sport – egal welcher Art. Staub Rein Luft, 47(3-4): 82–87. These include the chemical form of the nutrient (speciation), the composition of the food ingested (e.g., fibre and phytic acid content), the body stores of the nutrient and related chemicals, the physiological status of the organism, and nutrient and nutrient–dietary interactions (WHO, 1996b). Sturniolo GC, Montino MC, Rosetto L, Martin A, D’Ina R, D’Odorico A, & Naccarato R (1991) Inhibition of gastric acid secretion reduces zinc absorption in man. Nutr Rep Int, 22: 285–293. Zinc can behave antagonistically in combination with copper (Ahsanullah et al., 1988; Vranken et al., 1988; Kraak et al., 1994b) and synergistically with lead or iron alone or in combination (Ahsanullah et al., 1988; Konar & Mullick, 1993), and with mercury or nickel (Vranken et al., 1988). 4H2O). Increased aberrations have been reported in rats after inhalation exposure (zinc oxide at 0.5–1.0 mg/m3 for 5 months; Voroshilin et al., 1978), in rats after oral exposure (zinc chloride in water at 249 mg/litre for 14 days; Kowalska-Wochna et al., 1988) and in mice after multiple intraperitoneal injections of zinc chloride (at 2–5 mg/kg body weight; Gupta et al., 1991). Bull Environ Contam Toxicol, 10(5): 291- 294. Am J Clin Nutr, 42(5): 815–828. Willis M (1988) Experimental studies of the effects of zinc on Ancylus fluviatilis (Müller) (Mollusca; Gastropoda) from the Afon Crafnant, N.Wales. Dewar WA, Wight PAL, Pearson RA, & Gentle MJ (1983) Toxic effects of high concentrations of zinc oxide in the diet of the chick and laying hen. Keen CL & Hurley LS (1989) Zinc and reproduction: effects of deficiency on foetal and postnatal development. The most important physicochemical factors affecting bioavailability are: pH, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), water hardness, competing ions, soluble ligands, and binding sites on solid phases (e.g., metal oxides in suspended matter, sulfides in sediments and anaerobic soils) (Florence & Batley, 1980). Klerks PL & Weis JS (1987) Genetic adaptation to heavy metals in aquatic organisms: a review. Ramadurai J, Shapiro C, Kozloff M, & Telfer M (1993) Zinc abuse and sideroblastic anemia. Fresenius Z Anal Chem, 296: 350–356. Jones R (1983) Zinc and cadmium in lettuce and radish grown in soils collected near electrical transmission (hydro) towers. US EPA (1980) Exposure and risk assessment for zinc. Trans Am Fish Soc, 107(6): 837–840. Il peut également former des complexes organique stables, par exemple avec les acides humiques et fulviques. Utrecht, Geochemical Publication (in Dutch). beef,2 oz. In: Prasad AS ed. Occupational exposure to dusts and fumes of zinc and zinc compounds can occur in a variety of settings in which zinc is produced, or in which zinc and zinc-containing materials are used. Baudouin MF & Scoppa P (1974) Acute toxicity of various metals to freshwater zooplankton. Colwell et al. Schilirò G, Russo A, Azzia N, Mancuso GR, Di Gregorio F, Romeo MA, Fallico R, & Sciacca S (1987) Leukocyte alkaline phosphatase (LAP). Zinc was added to the soils in the form of zinc nitrate or sewage sludge. El zinc iónico sufre solvatación, dependiendo su solubilidad del pH y de la concentración de aniones. Ottawa, Natural Resources Canada, Government of Canada. Severe zinc deficiency resulting from total parenteral nutrition without zinc (Arakawa et al., 1976; Kay et al., 1976), and in patients suffering from acrodermatitis enteropathica (Aggett, 1989) leads to dermatological effects, including erythematous scaling eruptions in the naso-labial and retro-auricular folds, with the dermatitis extending to the trunk and becoming exudative upon continued zinc deficiency (total parenteral nutrition), and bullous pustular dermatitis of the extremities and the oral, anal and genital areas, combined with paronychia and generalized alopecia (acrodermatitis enteropathica). CRC Crit Rev Anal Chem, 9: 219–296. In addition, metallothioneins contains two distinct adamantine-like metal-binding clusters with three and four metal ions, respectively (Furey et al., 1986; Messerle et al., 1990; Robbins et al., 1991). Environ Sci Technol, 22: 811–818. The discrepancies may arise from variations in the dose, duration of zinc supplementation, and confounding effects of season on hair zinc concentrations. Baeyens W & Dedeurwaerder H (1991) Particulate trace metals above the southern bight of the North Sea – I. Analytical procedures and average aerosol concentrations. Trace elements in human and animal nutrition 5th ed., Orlando FA, Academic Press Inc, pp 1–137. Faintuch J, Faintuch JJ, Toledo M, Nazario G, Machado MCC, & Raia AA (1978) Hyperamylasemia associated with zinc overdose during parenteral nutrition. Cleven RFMJ, Janus JA, Annema JA, & Slooff W eds. Le zinc présent dans l'atmosphère est en majeure partie fixé à des particules d'aérosols. The highest zinc concentration factor was reported to be 3.5. Zinc deficiency has an adverse effect on the pancreas of experimental animals. Comp Biochem Physiol C, 103(1): 143–147. Sandstead HH, Prasad AS, Schulert AR, Farid Z, Miale AJ, Basilly S, & Darby WJ (1967) Human zinc deficiency, endocrine manifestations, and response to treatment. J Nutr, 72: 233–242. Rachlin JW, Jensen TE, & Warkentine B (1983) The growth response of the diatom Navicula incerta to selected concentrations of the metals: cadmium, copper, lead and zinc. Frederickson CJ (1989) Neurobiology of zinc and zinc-containing neurons. Am Rev Respir Dis, 147: 134–138. The selective adsorption of zinc and the occurrence of an adsorption/desorption hysteresis effect is controlled by the following parameters (Kiekens, 1995): affinity for the formation of organomineral complexes, and their stability. Yearlings were the most sensitive, with growth significantly reduced at 0.13 mg/litre. Gadd GM (1993) Interactions of fungi with toxic metals. With area sampling, the level was 0.0028 mg/m3 (Bresnitz et al., 1992). J Nutr, 92: 153–158. No marked adverse effects on food consumption, body weight gains, haematological parameters, fur quality or survival were observed. Dissolution of zinc increases at low pH, low hardness and high temperature (Malle, 1992). Wallock LM, King JC, Hambidge KM, English-Westcott JE, & Pritts J (1993) Meal-induced changes in plasma, erythrocyte, and urinary zinc concentrations in adult women. Only minimal amounts were absorbed from the stomach, caecum and colon (Methfessel & Spencer, 1973; Davies, 1980). Zinc metabolism. The model is based on the dietary content of animal and/or fish protein calcium (< 1 or > 1 g/day), and phytate/zinc molar ratios (< 5, 5–15 or > 15) per day. Am J Clin Nutr, 12: 437–444. Collyard SA, Ankley GT, Hoke RA, & Goldenstein T (1994) Influence of age on the relative sensitivity of Hyalella azteca to diazinon, alkylphenol ethoxylates, copper, cadmium, and zinc. Under most conditions, the amount of zinc present in adsorbed soil fractions is much higher than the soluble fraction that remains in the pore waters or soil solution. are more zinc-insensitive than other species (Foster, 1982). Am J Pathol, 87: 725–738. Key findings from these studies are summarized in Table 25. The critical leaf tissue concentration of zinc at which growth is affected was found for many plant species to be between 200 and 300 mg/kg dry matter (Davis & Beckett, 1978; Van Assche et al., 1988; Balsberg Påhlsson, 1989; Vangronsveld & Clijsters, 1992; Mench et al., 1994; Marschner, 1995). Nutritional zinc deficiency is relatively rare for aquatic organisms. Zinc deficiency also occurs in the presence of certain disease states such as malabsorption syndromes, renal and hepatic diseases, and in association with burns and alcoholism. BrJ Nutr, 56: 163–169. J Virol, 18(1): 298–306. Johnson PE (1982) A mass spectrometric method for use of stable isotopes as tracers in studies of iron, zinc, and copper absorption in human subjects. Environ Contam Toxicol, 13(3): 389–395. Using an erosion model, the natural background level has been estimated at 4 µg/litre (Van der Weijden & Middelburg, 1989), whereas Van Tilborg & Van Assche (1995) have suggested that the natural concentration of zinc in the Rhine is about 10 µg/litre. Maltby L & Naylor C (1990) Preliminary observations on the ecological relevance of the Gammarus ‘scope for growth’ assay: effect of zinc on reproduction. As a general rule in ecology, organisms, except cultivated ones, have had sufficient time to adapt to the concentration of bioavailable elements in their ecosystem. Campbell GC (1995) Interactions between trace metals and aquatic organisms: a critique of the free-ion activity model. Hohnadel DC, Sunderman FW Jr, Nechay MW, & McNeely MD (1973) Atomic absorption spectrometry of nickel, copper, zinc, and lead in sweat collected from healthy subjects during sauna bathing. NRCC 17589. Haesaenen E, Lipponen M, Kattainen R, Markkanen K, Minkkinen P, & Brjukhanov P (1990) Elemental concentrations of aerosol samples from the Baltic Sea area. On a observé divers effets consécutifs à des apports de zinc d'origine pharmacologique, effets qui vont d'une leucopénie et d'une anémie microcytaire hypochrome à une diminution du taux sérique des lipoprotéines de haute densité. In the risk characterization phase, the exposure and effects data are integrated, the potential for co-occurrence of organism and contaminant is determined, and a conclusion is drawn about the potential for risk. uncooked) or 1cup, 1 large (8 oz. Bloomfield & McGrath (1982) determined the levels of extractable zinc in sludges to which zinc sulfate had been added either prior to or following anaerobic digestion. The annual wet deposition to the North Sea has been estimated to be in the range 14- 53 µg/cm2 (Peirson et al., 1973; Dedeurwaerder et al., 1982; Baeyens et al., 1990). Des rats qui avaient reçu pendant 5 mois une alimentation contenant soit 0,5%, soit 1% de zinc, se sont révélés incapables de se reproduire jusqu'à ce que le zinc soit retiré de leur nourriture. Toxic Assess, 4: 451–462. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. (1985) reported zinc levels of up to 4 mg/litre in surface water collected near a mine. Rossman TG, Zelikoff JT, Agarwal S, & Kneip TJ (1987) Genetic toxicology of metal compounds: an examination of appropriate cellular models. Environ Res, 26(1): 81–86. There are no showers - "sponge baths" are what serves here. However, not all studies have been successful in detecting anthropogenic inputs of zinc distant from point source emissions. J Inorg Biochem, 11: 57–66. Erembodegem, VMM publishers (in Dutch). Harrison RM (1979) Toxic metals in street and household dusts. Boutron CF, Goerlach U, Candelone J-P, Bolshov MA, & Delmas RJ (1991) Decrease in anthropogenic lead, cadmium and zinc in Greenland snows since the late 1960s. Hopkin SP & Martin MH (1985) Assimilation of zinc, cadmium, lead, copper, and iron by the spider Dysdera crocata, a predator of woodlice. Bull Environ Contam Toxicol, 49: 593–599. Spurgeon DJ & Hopkin SP (1996) Effects of variations of the organic matter content and pH of soils on the availability and toxicity of zinc to the earthworm Eisenia fetida. Zinc in human biology. Van Alsenoy V, Bernard P, & Van Grieken R (1990) [Heavy metals in North Sea and Schelde sediments.] The essentiality of zinc for the activity of retinol reductase was first demonstrated in rats (Huber & Gershoff, 1975). Long SE & Martin TD (1991) Determination of trace elements in waters and wastes by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Halsey, who released a new album 'Manic' earlier this year, says the Recording Academy accepts bribes when deciding its slate of nominees. Lake DLP, Kirk WW, & Lester JN (1984) Fractionation, characterization, and speciation of heavy metals in sewage sludge and sludge-amended soils: a review. Can J Fish Aquat Sci, 40: 1469–1479. King JC (1990) Assessment of zinc status. Zinc forms complexes with chloride, phosphate, nitrate and sulfate. It was proposed that GDPs are generated by an inhibitory action of zinc on pre- and postsynaptic GABAB receptors (Xie & Smart, 1991). Low zinc intakes have been reported for populations in Papua New Guinea, while intakes of zinc from vegetarian diets in India have been reported to be as high as 16 mg/day (WHO, 1996b). Levels of zinc in the liver, spleen and skin remained unchanged. Apte SC & Batley GE (1995) Trace metal speciation of labile chemical species in natural waters and sediments: non-electrochemical approaches. Cincinnati OH, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, pp 1–3. The exposure assessment involves detailed studies to characterize the spatial and temporal concentrations of the chemical of interest. Les échantillons dont la teneur en zinc s'explique par la présence de sources anthropogéniques, peuvent en contenir jusqu'à 4 mg/litre (eau), 35 g/kg (sol), 15 µg/litre (eaux estuarielles) ou 8 µg/m3 (air). Zinc is an ubiquitous and essential element. What Noted Cooking Experts Think of Cottolene. Après exposition unique ou brièvement réitérée à de l'eau ou à des boissons contenant 1000 à 2500 mg de zinc par litre, des symptômes d'intoxication consistant en débâcle gastrointestinale, nausées et diarrhée se sont manifesté. Concentrations are lower at the ocean surface than in deeper water (Bruland et al., 1978). Si la plupart des résultats se sont révélés négatifs, quelques-uns ont tout de même été positifs. Guinea-pigs exposed to zinc oxide at a concentration of 5 mg/m3 for 3 h/day for 6 consecutive days showed significant reductions in vital capacity, functional residual capacity, alveolar volume, and lung volume carbon monoxide diffusing capacity following the last exposure, which had not returned to normal values by 72 h, although increases to flow resistance and decreases in compliance and total lung capacity did return to normal (Lam et al., 1985). Depletion of body zinc stores causes a reduction in urinary zinc excretion (Hess et al., 1977; Ruz et al., 1991), often before any detectable changes in serum/plasma zinc concentrations (Baer & King, 1984). List and review the concerts you've attended, and track upcoming shows. In: Overall evaluations of carcinogenicity: an updating of IARC Monographs, Volumes 1 to 42. Das leben wir täglich aus. Environ Res, 15: 473–484. Hornor & Hilt (1985) determined the distribution of zinc-tolerant bacteria from three stream sites containing high (3125 µg/litre), medium (291 µg/litre) and low (109 µg/litre) concentrations of zinc. Sci Total Environ, 11: 89–97. New York, Academic Press, pp 327–343. Trans Assoc Am Physicians, 94: 314-321. Information on some zinc metalloenzymes that have been widely studied in humans and other mammals has also been summarized by Vallee & Falchuk (1993). Exposure to zinc does not increase mutation frequencies in the majority of bacterial or mammalian cell culture test systems (Nishioka, 1975; Amacher & Paillet, 1980; Kada et al., 1980; Gocke et al., 1981; Marzin & Vo, 1985; Rossman et al., 1987; Thompson et al., 1989; Karlsson et al., 1991). Hastings MI, US Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control, pp 1–36 (Health hazard evaluation report 89-267-2139). Se pueden atribuir niveles superiores a la presencia natural de minerales con concentraciones elevadas de zinc, a fuentes antropogénicas o a procesos abióticos y bióticos. Kasprzak KS, Kovatch RM, & Poirier LA (1988) Inhibitory effect of zinc on nickel subsulfide carcinogenesis in Fisher rats. In humans, most ingested zinc is eliminated in the the faeces (5- 10 mg/day), and comprises unabsorbed zinc and endogenous zinc from bile, pancreatic fluid and intestinal mucosa cells. Solbé de LG JF (1973) The relation between water quality and the status of fish populations in Willow Brook.

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